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As her son turns eighteen, Jen Scheuermann reflects on her initial desire to be a mother. 

Eighteen years ago, I held you for the first time.  

I didn’t know everything I valued would change in an instant—
the very instant you were placed in my arms. 
I only knew I wanted to be a mother.  

I didn’t understand then that motherhood was a vocation—
a calling from God, a path to my own sanctification. 
I only knew I wanted to be a mother.  

I didn’t understand the long wait to conceive was part of God’s plan, 
and that one day I’d glimpse the beauty of His perfect timing. 
I only knew I wanted to be a mother.  

I didn’t understand He would love you even more than I do, 
and that He’d ask me to trust Him with all that happens to you.
I only knew I wanted to be a mother.  

I didn’t understand God would use you to teach me about myself, 
and I never imagined loving you would help me receive His love for me. 
I only knew I wanted to be a mother.  

I didn’t understand that participating in your creation would further my own,  
as mothering you has helped me become who God created me to be. 
I only knew I wanted to be a mother.  

God knew it would be too much for me to know these things eighteen years ago,  
so in His perfect wisdom,  
He filled me only with the desire to be a mother. 


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I didn’t understand God would love you even more than I do, and that He’d ask me to trust Him with all that happens to you. #CatholicMom



Copyright 2023 Jennifer Scheuermann
Images: Canva