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Megan Cottam brainstorms 10 spiritual New Year's resolutions for the entire family. Download this list of resolutions and pray about them with your family!

Who said New Year’s Resolutions have to be an individual thing? At Catholic Mom, we often quote Venerable Patrick Peyton, who observed, “The family that prays together stays together.” Families that commit to goals together also achieve those goals together! 

Here are a few ideas of family spiritual resolutions to inspire growth in 2024. Remember, progress is found in choosing one or two ways to strengthen your faith life—not in attempting to become spiritual pillars of the Church overnight! Pray with these goals and let the Holy Spirit lead you and your family to renewed faith this year.  


Spiritual Resolutions for Families of All Ages 

  1. Resolve to honor the saints: At the beginning of the year look up the feast days of saints that are either your namesake, or for whom you have a special affinity. Put those dates in your calendar as you would soccer practice or a birthday and commit to celebrating and remembering those special saints on their feast day. 

  2. Resolve to embrace the whisper of the Holy Spirit: Choose 5 minutes of the day in your household and commit to observing sacred silence. 

  3. Resolve to be intentional about seeing God in your life: Commit to a family gratitude jar and have each member of the family write one thank-you note to God each Sunday for something that happened in their lives. Where did you see the Holy Spirit at work this week? At the end of the year, read back on all the wonderful ways God has been with you all! 

  4. Resolve to celebrate your faith: Research the Baptism dates of your family members and put those in your calendar as recurring dates. On each person’s Christian birthday, have a special dessert! 

  5. Resolve to pray together: Commit as a family once a week before bedtime to pray together. Share prayer intentions for your neighbors and loved ones and say one of the traditional Catholic prayers together. 

  6. Resolve to understand more Scripture: Commit to listening to the Bible in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz on car trips, or another program that walks you through the Bible as 2024 unfolds. 

  7. Resolve to know your parish community: As a family, commit to inviting someone or some family from your parish that you do not see outside of Church over for a home-cooked meal. Agree as a family on the number of times to accomplish this in 2024, and make sure everyone helps with the preparations! 

  8. Resolve to share the faith: Challenge each family member to bring a friend to Mass at least once in 2024. 

  9. Resolve to put your faith in action: Read through the corporal works of mercy and choose as a family one topic where you feel called to donate your time and talents. Commit to serving as a family quarterly. 

  10. Resolve to rest in the Lord: At the beginning of the year, pick one date per season and black it out as a family. No one is allowed to make plans on that date! Instead, experience a true sabbath. Rest, play, pray, and spend time reconnecting with one another! 


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10 spiritual New Year's resolutions for the entire family. Download this list of resolutions and pray about them with your family! #CatholicMom

Wishing you and your family a New Year of growth in faith and closeness to our Lord! 


Download and print this list of resolutions



Copyright 2023 Megan Cottam
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries