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Silvia-Maria Patalano-Ross shows how great leadership lessons can make motherhood even better.

Motherhood is a journey that intertwines love, dedication, and a profound sense of responsibility. It’s not just about raising children; it’s about nurturing future leaders who will shape the world. As mothers, we often underestimate the profound influence we have in cultivating qualities of leadership in our children. 


Principle #1: Leadership is not about you 

Read it again: Leadership is not about you. There is a common misconception that people go for leadership positions for the title, the prestige, the money … anything that makes them look better than others. Most of the people who do so end up experiencing more difficulties than they otherwise would have had if they went into leadership positions for the right reasons. When one thinks of motherhood, the same truth applies. 

Leading any organization requires one to think of everybody and everything else before themselves. There’s a term for this: Servant Leadership. This concept aligns perfectly with leadership in motherhood because as mothers and parents, we are not only a leader in the family but also one who serves others, be it our spouse or our children.

Effective leadership requires a level of humility that often surpasses what one may assume about leadership itself — there is no expectation of accolades or awards, just the knowledge that a great good is being manifested due to the decisions you make on behalf of those whom you lead. This kind of leadership lays a strong foundation for successful motherhood experience. 




Principle #2: Leadership is about building capacity 

Building capacity in others is a true mark of effective leadership. Natural leaders are teachers at heart, and seek to build the strengths of those in their organization in order to further the success of the work they share. Leaders often have their eye primarily on the health of the organization, in the same way mothers focus on building a meaningful family unit.

To do this work requires the support and building up of key individuals on the team. Leadership requires one to step outside the box and look for talents and assets that can be leveraged for the good of the team. Similarly, mothers can learn and know about their husband’s or children’s strengths and support these characteristics in such a way as to benefit the family unit. 


Principle #3: Leaders are consistent 

Leadership is a double-edged sword. With the privilege of making final decisions comes the necessity of making difficult ones. Leaders often have to deal with uncomfortable situations that test their ability to think with a clear mind. There is a constant test between one’s duty to the organization and one’s emotions about situations.

Similarly, mothers are often faced with moments where they may hesitate in responding to situations where there may be consequences. Leaders accept the fact that their work is not dictated by popularity, but by honesty and integrity and consistency. Rationale and logic are the heroes of the day. As leaders of the family, mothers often have to rely on these aspects in order to remain consistent in the message they are sending their children as well as their spouse. 




Principle #4: Leaders think of the long game 

Leaders often think in 5-year plans. There is very little impact that can be seen in short periods of time outside of emotional ones — which often fade as quickly as they come. Mothers are also in the business of raising children, who change exponentially every few years themselves. How does the leader remain consistent while working towards their goals over such long periods of time? How do mothers keep their vision consistent while accommodating changing needs of children? Deposits now often see returns much later, but they will happen, and trust and patience are required to ensure they do. 


Principle #5: Leaders continually reflect and are open to new ideas 

It is the responsibility of the leader to change with the times, to pivot when needed, and to take advantage of change in order to benefit the organization. Leaders know that the only constant in life is change, and so meeting those changes while still being productive and profitable is a skill set that only effective leaders have.

Similarly, mothers who adopt these leadership qualities know that they find the most success when they are able to weather the changing storms in life. 




How do you embrace leadership as a mother? Let us know below! 


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Copyright 2024 Silvia-Maria Patalano-Ross
Images: Canva

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