Caroline Godin reflects on setting aside time to pray to our Blessed Mother because Mary always cares for her children.
Venerable Patrick Peyton, known as "The Rosary Priest," devoted his priestly life to encouraging family prayer, especially the Rosary. This October, for the Month of the Holy Rosary, Family Rosary (an apostolate founded by Father Peyton) and Catholic Mom have teamed up for this daily series dedicated to the Rosary.
I have a routine of prayers I get through every day. Two are Rosaries and all contain at least one Hail Mary. These prayers are my anchor, and I won’t lay my head down until they’ve all been said.
As a creature of habit, some prayers must be said before my feet hit the floor in the morning, and some are not said until I’m sitting in bed again. Those are my bookends. They’re not long, but they set up my day, then set it back down again.
Finding time
As an ADHDer, I’m often caught between things and forget to pray my Rosaries until it’s harder to find time. I scold myself for wasting time on such-and-such and try to not rush through when I finally pray.
I pray in the car, while folding laundry, or even while working out. Sometimes, I take my Rosary out and sometimes I use my hands.
My goal each day is to find time to speak to God and do so more effectively with Mary. She prays with me and for me. She’s my anchor, my guide, my Mother.
Lay it down
I'm a working mom of three with a husband working overnights; my head needs this. My heart needs this. I lay down my worries at the foot of the Cross where Mama Mary stands loving on her Son and all her children. I pour out my heart with intentions before a prayer, then exhale and let the words flow.
Throughout the Mysteries, I attach intentions. Through at least one per Rosary, I say a special prayer. I’ll leave some below. I might struggle to get all my prayers in some days, but I rest better knowing I’ve walked with Mary and that she’s praying for me and my family.
Leave time for Mama
No matter my busyness, I need to leave time for Mama. No deadline or distraction is more important than connecting with our loving Mother. She’s full of grace and forgiveness. She welcomes us with open arms and leads us to her Son. May we all continue to make time for our Mother, and so, time for Jesus.
Sample prayers for three Mysteries of the Rosary
5th Joyful Mystery: Jesus is found in the Temple
Lord, thank you for letting us find You in the temple. Please let us find You wherever You present Yourself to us in life. And let us let others find You in us.
3rd Glorious Mystery: The descent of the Holy Spirit
Lord, thank you for sending Your Holy Spirit. Please help us to receive Your fruits and gifts so that we may build Your kingdom, glorify Your Name, and do Your Will.
5th Sorrowful Mysteries: The Crucifixion
Lord, thank you for saving our souls. Please bring us to eternity in heaven with You.
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Copyright 2024 Caroline Godin
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries
About the Author
Caroline Godin
Caroline Godin is a freelance writer, catechist, and life coach to first responder families. She is married with 3 children. When not writing, catechizing, or coaching, she enjoys finding new house projects to start and never finish or going camping. She takes a light-hearted view of life and keeps her eyes on eternity. One day, she may be the patron saint of procrastination or ADHD.