Leslea Wahl reviews Mark Hart's book for teen readers, Biblical Heroes: Stories of Faith and Courage.
Biblical Heroes: Stories of Faith and Courage
by Mark Hart
Publisher: Ascension Press
Do you know a teen who struggles to relate to the stories they read in the Bible? While the lessons are timeless, it can be difficult to feel a connection to men and women who lived so long ago.
This book takes on the challenge in a thoroughly engaging way. Author Mark Hart is the Chief Innovation Officer at Life Teen International, so he really understands teens.
This book is not only written for teens but is about teens. Each chapter highlights a different biblical teenager and what we can learn from them. The author shares personal stories from his life and ties them to these incredible biblical figures, making these familiar individuals completely relatable to today’s teens.
These familiar biblical figures will be seen in a new light, surprising teens by the lessons they can learn through these stories. Each chapter ends with questions that offer great discussion topics making this a fantastic book for youth groups, families, or teen book clubs to read. The author’s entertaining personal stories provide a wonderful way to engage teens in a discussion.
Biblical Heroes is a compilation of relatable Bible stories that present young Catholics with teenage characters in Scripture who wrestle with the same struggles and questions that they do.
From the humility of Abel, who offered his generous sacrifice to God, to the bravery of Esther, who risked her life to save the Jewish people, this book brings biblical figures to life in an engaging and personal way, showing teens how they were made to live.
Ask for Biblical Heroes at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com or the publisher, Ascension Press.
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Copyright 2024 Leslea Wahl
Images: (top) copyright 2024 Leslea Wahl, all rights reserved.
About the Author

Leslea Wahl
Leslea Wahl is an award-winning author of Catholic teen adventurous mysteries. She lives in beautiful Colorado with her family. Leslea believes one way to encourage teens in their faith is through positive messages and Catholic values, embedded in great stories. She is excited to share her reviews of some incredible Catholic books, all of which have received the Catholic Writer’s Guild Seal of Approval. Find her online at LesleaWahl.com.