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Reflecting on Colossians 3:15, Louisa Ikena offers practical questions about the living in the peace of Christ and points to gratitude. 

What am I allowing to reign in my heart today? Scripture tells me:

Let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body. And be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15)


There are so many things pulling for that precious control of my heart. Does Christ rule in mine, at least for this moment in time? 


What is in my heart?

So, I take stock. I do an inventory of what is ruling my heart. I find a strong desire for comfort there. Last time I checked, that attribute is not included in the Beatitudes. There is no verse that states, "Blessed are the comfortable." Not in my Bible. In fact, living out our faith to the fullest often involves stepping way out of our comfort zone. I find no comfortable way to interpret

“Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24)


Jesus did not lift up the values of this world. He allowed himself to be lifted up on the Cross so that we might be saved. Sometimes I get so familiar with this Fact and this language, that I can become immune to the impact. Lord, please deliver me from indifference and numbness. 




Saint Paul does not write of comfort to reign in our hearts; he writes of peace. Specifically, he proclaims to let the peace of Christ rule inside us. That peace is not simply an absence of conflict. That peace is a deep, abiding peace that embraces both mercy and justice. It is the peace of Christ. Jesus speaks:

“Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword.” (Matthew 10:34)


I hear in this Scripture passage that Christ comes for a deeper, longer-lasting peace, not a superficial one. Reaching a true, lasting peace is hard, hard work. 


Do I allow the stresses of this world to control my heart?

The real question for me is how many times do I allow the stresses of this world to control my heart instead of letting the peace of Christ reign? It is easy for me to get caught up in stress. There is always something to stress about. There is always a to-do list longer than the day. I am meant to be a human being, not a human being. Lord, please deliver me from being a slave to task after task after task. Lord, you are my Deliverer.

I ask myself: do I pause in my day to take a deep breath? Do I invite God in? Is Our Lord the Lord of my life, my heart, my calendar? If not, what do I need in order to recenter myself in Christ? Lord, I desire You to be the Center of my life. The Holy Spirit is but a breath away. A spiritual paradigm shift does not have to be complicated. It can take but a moment. 

For me, refocusing on gratitude is key. Being thankful is so incredibly important. I can make the choice to laser beam focus in on what is right in my world, instead of what is wrong. In doing so, I am, yet again, allowing the peace of Christ control my heart.  


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Copyright 2024 Louisa Ann Irene Ikena
Images: Canva