Have you reviewed your Advent and Christmas seasons? Jena Muhr takes a look at what worked for her and what she'd like to do better next year.
I’m not sure about you, but I had a very busy December. I love Advent and the preparations for the Christmas season. Making magic for my children and seeing them become excited and grow in their love for the season makes my heart so happy each year. Currently my children are 7, 5, and 3; seeing them remember and expect what comes during this season makes me feel like I am doing what I can to make the season exciting and filled with a bit of magic.
This is to say that I am by no means perfect at these things. And try as I might I always seem to roll into January tired, worn and ready for an extra-long nap. Magic making is a big job.
Sitting in January, I am hoping that looking back at the previous season will help me make next year’s Advent and Christmas more peaceful, fun and manageable. Here are a few takeaways that I applaud myself on, hope to learn from, and will try better to make happen.
Things to Applaud:
- Planning out presents and reaching out to parents about what their kids want for Christmas early. I found that the earlier I ask (closer to Thanksgiving) the more likely I was able to get a definitive want for presents and am happy to report that I continue my reign as self-titled “favorite aunt.”
- Christmas Eve and morning traditional meals. I have made the same soup and bread for Christmas Eve dinner and cinnamon rolls for the past four years now and seem to have everyone on board with the routine and looking forward to it.
Things to Learn From:
- Teachers' gifts do not have to have homemade components. Next year I will do just candles or just gift cards and do not need to make them a treat to go along with it. (This will be a struggle for me, I enjoy baking but with the end of the school year it is always such a mad dash.)
- Using my calendar all the days to keep up with all the tasks going on and to delegate tasks so one day doesn’t become overloaded.
Things to Try to Do Better:
- Make treats for neighbors. Even if they're delivered after Christmas Day, cookies always taste good.
- Go Christmas-light looking. I love doing this with the kids and we didn’t get to it this year. Hopefully next year.
- Include the kids more in the cleanup before people come over, as well as at the end of the day. I need to try doing this all year round. The kids make so much of the untidiness of the house that we need to be better about cleaning it up all together, rather than just us parents picking up the mess.
Overall, this was a wonderful Advent and Christmas season. We made memories, had hot chocolate dates, and received so many blessings from our family and friends. Moving into 2024, I am excited at the new adventures to come, changing what needs tending to and continuing what works.
Copyright 2024 Jena Muhr
Images: Canva
About the Author
Jena Muhr
Jena Muhr is a born and raised Catholic from Southern California. A wife and mom to three littles. she enjoys writing, crafting, cooking, and running all the time. Jena is a supporter of mental health and is working to save the world one run at a time.