Granny’s famous salsa, sewn socks and prayers: Lilia Grundy reflects on her mother’s faithful example of what it means to model our Blessed Mother this May.
Bottomless Salsa
A box of jarred salsa sitting on the kitchen island, awaited me as I arrived at my mother’s home. She had diligently prepared another batch of her famous homemade “Granny’s Salsa” because I had jokingly (yet seriously) hinted that I was all out of my weekly stash and needed my refill. And just like clockwork, mom came through.
In fact, I can’t recall a moment when my mother wasn’t there to help me; whether it was waking up early to prepare lunches and snacks to go, or sewing socks and slacks in a pinch, she has always helped me. I am blessed: God gave me a mom who models our Blessed Mother.
Modeling Mary
Hanging up crucifixes in our bedrooms. Making the sign of the cross on our foreheads each night before we went to bed or left the house. Shouting “God is with you!” each time we parted. My mother was my first role model of faith. I never had any doubt that my Heavenly Father existed and cared for me — because of her.
And yet, I am also reminded regularly that there are many people who have lost their mothers or don’t have a mother figure in their lives. Just the other day, my daughter’s classmate told me that her mother had died from drug addiction. My heart broke to learn this news. This makes at least three students in my twins’ classes that we know of - who will grow up without their biological mothers.
I can’t help but think that this month in particular, May, the month of Mary, I am being called to think of our Heavenly Mother and extend her graces to everyone around me. How can I be more giving? How can I extend love and kindness beyond my immediate family and community? How can I be more like Mother Mary?
Mary in May
While I’ve been blessed to have a wonderful relationship with my own mother, I’ve often expressed how challenging it has been to “go to Mary.” I was raised with prayer in our home, Catholic education and Mass attendance, but cultivating a relationship with our Blessed Mother was somewhat of a foreign concept.
In wasn’t until a few years ago that I connected with my parish’s Women’s Ministry and joined a small group that would transform my life. We began reading and practicing Magnify 90. I credit the program to helping me grow closer to Mary.
I ultimately created “Mary’s Menu” to help others discover ideas and devotions that might help them build their trust in our Heavenly Mother who continuously gives to us.
How are you celebrating and honoring Mother Mary this month?
Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence. (Saint Francis de Sales)
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Copyright 2024 Lilia Grundy
Images: (top, bottom) copyright 2024 Lilia Grundy; (center) Canva
About the Author
Lilia Grundy
Lilia Grundy is University of Portland’s Pamplin School of Business’ Director of Corporate Partnerships with over 20 years of corporate experience (including Kraft Foods, NBC Television, and Telemundo). Lilia launched Catholic Women Professionals to inspire other working women to grow their faith. She is married to her high-school sweetie Rob - they have beautiful twin girls who love art, music and learning about the saints.