In honor of the upcoming anniversary of the birth of Venerable Patrick Peyton, Holy Cross Family Ministries invites you to pray this novena.
We invite you and your family to join us in praying the Novena of Prayer for Families, in honor of the anniversary of the birth of Venerable Patrick Peyton. This novena will run through January 9, 2021.
The team at Holy Cross Family Ministries, of which CatholicMom.com became a part in 2017, has put together a free downloadable novena booklet with everything you need to participate.
In this booklet, you can read about Venerable Patrick Peyton's life and his tireless work to promote family prayer, especially the Rosary.
The novena prayers for today are shared below.
Join the 2021 Novena of Prayer for Families, in honor of the anniversary of the birth of Venerable Patrick Peyton. Pray with us! #catholicmom
DAY 6: Feast of St. André Bessette
Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
Pray the Daily Opening Prayer, read today's opening meditation, and then proceed to the reflections and prayers for each mystery. Read one mystery and reflection at each Our Father and spend a few quiet moments reflecting on it.
Daily Opening Prayer
O Jesus, as Mary stood at the foot of the Cross, You entrusted Her to us as our Mother.
The Holy Spirit inspired Mary’s faithful servant, Father Patrick Peyton, to proclaim throughout the world the power and promise of family prayer. He believed and testified that “The Family That Prays Together Stays Together.”
Through Mary and Father Peyton’s intercession, we ask this favor for our family: ____________________.
Lord Jesus, we beseech You to help our praying of the Rosary unite our family in love and joy. Amen.
Choose someone in your family to read the meditation.
Choose one of the mysteries (for example, the Annunciation), and have someone read the Scripture verse and prayer for the mystery. Pray a decade of the Rosary while meditating on the mystery through Mary's eyes.
If your family wants to pray all five decades for that day, continue on to the next decade.
The Glorious Mysteries testify to the victory of love over the power of sin and death. The tremendous suffering Jesus endured before His Resurrection is the price that God was willing to pay in order to make us capable of inheriting eternal life. God desires our happiness, but He knows that our true happiness will be to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. This is why He gives us Mary to be the Mother of our souls. She will form Jesus in us and give us the grace we need to live for eternity. Her intercession and example enable us to say “yes” to God in everything we do.
The First Glorious Mystery: The Resurrection
"Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen." (Luke 24:5)
Blessed Mother, even during the darkest moments of the Passion, when Your Son hung on the Cross and finally gave up His Spirit, You knew by faith that His love would triumph. Teach our family to place our confidence in His love and to help each other to remain faithful in times of hardship.
The Second Glorious Mystery: The Ascension
When He had said this, as they were looking on, He was lifted up, and a cloud took Him out of their sight. (Acts 1:9)
Blessed Mother, You must have experienced such joy to see Your Son return to His Father for all eternity! But You remained on earth to be a Mother to the Church. We thank You for making this sacrifice for us, and we ask You to continue to intercede for the Church so that she might teach families how to pursue holiness in their daily lives.
The Third Glorious Mystery: The Descent of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost
There appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. (Acts 2:3-4)
Blessed Mother, You, the Spouse of the Holy Spirit, were present with the disciples at Pentecost so that You could teach them to have a living relationship with Your Spouse. We likewise received the Holy Spirit at Baptism and Confirmation. Please teach us to become responsive to the gift of His presence in our souls.
The Fourth Glorious Mystery: The Assumption of Mary
Arise, O LORD, and go to Your resting place, You and the ark of your might. (Psalm 132:8)
Blessed Mother, how You must have rejoiced to be in the presence of the Blessed Trinity forever! Now You are in Heaven, interceding for Your children who remain under the burden of sin on earth. We thank You for being our Mother and for interceding for us before the throne of God.
The Fifth Glorious Mystery: The Coronation of Mary
A great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. (Revelation 12:1)
Blessed Mother, after many quiet and hidden years on earth, You received the honor of being crowned Queen of Heaven. Your Son had the joy of exalting You so that the whole world could see the love that radiated from Your humble heart. Grant us the grace to serve each other in humility so that we, too, will be prepared to praise God in Heaven for all eternity.
When you are finished with the decade(s), pray the Hail, Holy Queen.
Hail, Holy Queen
Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness and our hope. To Thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve: to Thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, most gracious Advocate, Thine eyes of mercy toward us, and after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of Thy womb, Jesus, O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary! Amen.
End today's novena with the Prayer for the Beatification of Venerable Patrick Peyton.
Prayer for the Beatification of Venerable Patrick Peyton
Dear Jesus, Father Peyton devoted his priestly life to strengthening the families of the world by calling them to pray together every day, especially the Rosary. His message is as important for us now as it was during his life on earth. We beg You, therefore, to hasten the day of his beatification so that Your faithful people everywhere will remember his message that The Family That Prays Together Stays Together, will imitate him in his devotion to Your Mother and ours, and will be inspired by his holy life to draw ever closer to You with childlike confidence and love. Amen.
Copyright 2021 Holy Cross Family Ministries
Image copyright Holy Cross Family Ministries. All rights reserved.