Let's pray together as a community, every day this Lent!
This Lent, we here at Catholic Mom decided that it is really important for us to pray together as a community. The days and months since last Lent have been uniquely challenging for all of us, and so now, more than ever, we think it is important for us to begin the holy season of Lent with a focus on community prayer.
Catholic Mom has always been a community rooted in prayer, and so we thought Lent was an ideal time for us to make a commitment to praying together every day. Our plan is to pray together, live on Instagram, every day at 9:00 am ET. Will you join us?
If you are already on Instagram, please make sure you follow us there! Then you will see a notification each morning at 9:00 am ET, reminding you that it's time to pray with us. If you are not on Instagram, we invite you to make an account so that you can be part of the community we are building there.
Each day, beginning this Wednesday, a different Catholic Mom contributor or a friend of Catholic Mom will lead us in praying one decade of the Rosary. That's it! Just one decade. These prayer times will only last a few minutes because we want this to be a small commitment that we will all be able to stick to every day.
If 9:00 am ET does not work for you, or if you miss a day, you can always watch the video and pray along later as each prayer video will stay on our Instagram account for 24 hours. God is outside of time, and so it really does count as praying "with" us, if you join in later.
And finally, let us know HOW we can pray for you. You can leave your Lenten prayer intentions in the comments here, or in the comments of each daily live session on Instagram. Either way, know that we will be praying for you and for all who take part in our community here at Catholic Mom.
We hope that you will join us on Instagram for this daily commitment to prayer as a community this Lent. May God bless you and the beautiful community that we are blessed to share here at Catholic Mom.
Copyright 2021 Danielle Bean
Image Pixabay (2018)
About the Author
Danielle Bean
Danielle Bean is an author, speaker, and podcaster. She and her husband Dan have 8 children and live in New Hampshire.