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In this week's Hangout, Laura Roland shares about the power of the ordinary.


In our Hangout this week, Laura Roland shares ideas about ways that our everyday lives and the often hidden work we do in the hearts of our homes orin family relationships can be powerful. we are not all called to be great speakers or film stars, but those of us living out ordinary lives in ordinary families are still called to be saints. This is a powerful an encouraging thing to reflect on.

In what ways do you feel God calling you to great things, even in the midst of ordinary life?

Join us for this fun & inspiring CatholicMom Hangout. And be sure to add your thoughts, questions & ideas in the comments!

In this week's Hangout, Laura Roland shares a reflection about the power of the ordinary.  #catholicmom


Copyright 2021 Laura K. Roland
Image Catholic Mom, all rights reserved