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Did you miss our live Rosary? Join the video as we pray an online Rosary for the intention of the Beatification of Venerable Patrick Peyton.

Our Mary, Mother of the Church Online Chapter of The Father Peyton Guild met online to pray the Rosary on January 9, 2024—Father Peyton’s birthday. We began a Novena for the Beautification of Father Peyton! If you missed us on January 9, you can pray along with the video today, and you can also begin the novena now.

The fear and anxiety in our world today is not so very different from the noise, fear, and anxiety surrounding a young Father Patrick Peyton when he found himself in Washington D.C. in 1941 at the beginning of World War II.  

Father Peyton wrote in his autobiography All for Her that he kept wondering, what could he do—what could he, a poor country lad from the West Coast of Ireland, do to help?   

The answer became his lifelong mission—family prayer, and Rosary prayer in particular. Father Peyton had an unwavering faith in the power of prayer—and especially the family Rosary—as the instrument to bring peace to our homes—and our world.    

I am sure many of us here at CatholicMom.com share a devotion to the Rosary. We are called to also invite others to it as well—the neighbor or new face at church whose life can be transformed by this simple devotion. 


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Pray an online Rosary for the intention of the Beatification of Venerable Patrick Peyton. #CatholicMom 


We are thrilled to relaunch this online chapter of the Fr. Peyton Prayer Guild! If you have in your life someone struggling, or a friend who is away from the Catholic Church—invite them to join our online Guild and explore the Rosary as a source of comfort and consolation.  

If you have a story of how the Rosary has influenced your life, please share it with us! 



What is The Father Peyton Prayer Guild?

The Father Peyton Prayer Guild is one worldwide community of prayer. The Guild is comprised of chapters (five or more individuals), families, and individuals that commit to pray for:

1. The canonization of Father Patrick Peyton, C.S.C.

2. The continuation of his mission through Holy Cross Family Ministries who still promote Father Peyton’s famous message, “The family that prays together stays together.”

3. Their own family and all families around the world. Guild members are asked to convene at least three times a year to pray the Rosary for these intentions.

Our CatholicMom.com online chapter, Mary, Mother of our Church, will convene regularly to pray the Rosary together using the CatholicMom Facebook Live platformor members can simply commit to praying a Rosary that day for the intentions of our chapter as well as their own!

As a member, you will receive regular updates on the progress of Father Peyton’s Cause for Sainthood, our chapter’s special intentions will be remembered at a special monthly Mass at the Father Peyton Center, and you will be invited to Holy Cross Family Ministries events throughout the country, particularly in your local area.

To become a member of our virtual chapter, please complete the Google signup form below. The only commitment is your time. There is no membership fee! If you choose to provide your address, Holy Cross Family Ministries will send you a Guild member welcome kit which will includes some prayer resources!

Father Peyton Prayer Guild FB Rosary

Copyright 2024 Margaret Dwyer Hogan
Images: Canva