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Cathi Kennedy reviews an Advent journal that highlights the beauty and simplicity of the season.

Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture

By Father Mark Toups; illustrated by Mike Moyers

Publisher: Ascension Press


Rejoice Year C


Every year, I say that THIS is the year I will be fully present for Advent. I have accomplished this zero times. However, no matter if the candles are lit each week or if you have to substitute a white candle for pink, this lovely devotional: Rejoice! An Advent Pilgrimage into the Heart of Scripture is an excellent addition to the season.  

Written by Fr. Mark Toups and illustrated beautifully by Mike Moyers, the Rejoice! Year C journal is the third in this Ascension Advent series. 


What's in this book?

The book is divided into themes for each week of Advent: Prepare, Experience, Peace, and Near. Each section has short daily reflections, a Bible verse to pray with, and blank journal pages for notes.  

Containing the Sunday Scripture readings, prayers, questions for reflections, and even songs, this book can be easily used by a small group, a family, or an individual.   

As we reflect on the Scriptures together, you will discover that amidst the joy and struggles of the first Advent, there was a unique call to trust. Mary and Joseph’s very lives depended on their trust in God. We will explore and seek to follow the example of trust set forth by Mary and Joseph. (Preface) 


The Rejoice! devotional can help us all remember that first Advent and bring the beauty and simplicity of the season into our homes. 



Ask for Rejoice! at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from the publisher, Ascension Press.


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Copyright 2024 Cathi Kennedy
Images: Canva