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Fr. John Burns invites you on a pilgrimage this Lent using Return: A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation.

Fr. John Burns focuses on the passage from the prophet Joel in which the Lord calls his people to return to him with their whole heart. We are reminded in this passage that God is inviting us into a relationship with him, a relationship of love and faithfulness.

Like the people of the Old Testament, we sometimes forget about God, wander away from him, and become unfaithful. It is during Lent that we are reminded of God’s love and mighty works which leads to faithfulness and fruitfulness. How will you remember God this Lent and return to him with your whole heart?






Each day of Return includes the prayer from the Collect, an inspiring meditation, thought-provoking reflection questions, and a prayer. There’s plenty of space for journaling as well.

Return features stunning original art by Josiah Henley of Heart of IESVS. Free weekly companion videos, a downloadable discussion guide, and other resources at AveMariaPress.com make this book perfect for parishwide, individual, and book club use leading up to Easter.

Look for the Return videos each Sunday in Lent, as well as Easter Sunday, here on CatholicMom.com at 10 AM Eastern.

Ask for Return at your local Catholic bookstore, or order from Amazon.com or Ave Maria Press. Bulk discounts are available for your parish, book club, or prayer group when you purchase the book from Ave Maria Press.

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Copyright 2023 Ave Maria Press
Images: Ave Maria Press