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Join us as we pray the Rosary this month for pregnant mothers. Today, Sarah Pedrozo ponders the Third Luminous Mystery.

The writers of Catholic Mom enthusiastically gathered to share meditations on each Mystery of the Rosary in a special way for pregnant mothers. We invite you to join us throughout the month of May as we pray together each day, and to share these reflections with other moms who will enjoy them.

Today we will pray the Third Luminous Mystery: The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God.

These are the ordinary days of Jesus’ ministry. Days of excitement and anticipation, of crowds pressing in, eager to hear His words of hope and witness His healings. But they are also days of discomfort and weariness, of feet tired from walking, of aching joints and short tempers, of bodies wanting to rest.  

These are the days when the Word proclaims His words, and those words take on flesh in the minds, hearts and lives of His listeners. This growing into the words of Jesus takes time. Just as the child within you grows slowly, developing a little more each day, so, too, do the words of Christ need time to develop and grow in us.  

 Responding to Jesus’ call to “Repent and believe in the gospel!” is not simply a one-time action. It's a journey of becoming, of continual conversion. At the end of this journey is new life. Pregnancy can help us lean into the call to conversion by causing us to slow down, not do as much, to be attentive and to listen on the good days, those days filled with excitement and anticipation at the new life forming within, as well as during the hard days of weariness, discomfort, and even sickness. 

 Mary pondered the Word, and He took on flesh within her. She listened to Him every day, first in her heart, then in her home. In this mystery, ponder the invitation each day offers to let the words of Jesus grow within and bring new life.  

This May, pray a #Rosary for pregnant mothers with us! #CatholicMom


Pray along with the Rosary Reflections for Pregnant Mothers




Copyright 2023 Sarah Pedrozo
Images: created by Ted Schluenderfritz for Holy Cross Family Ministries