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Allison Paulose explains how Saint Gianna Beretta Molla is a beautiful example of Catholic motherhood from which all moms can learn. 

I discovered St. Gianna Beretta Molla when I was pregnant with my first child and have prayed for her intercession ever since. Her life is a beautiful example of Catholic motherhood from which all moms can learn. 

St. Gianna was an Italian physician, specializing in surgery. At the age of 28, she opened her own practice, then returned to school to pursue another specialty in pediatrics. She intended to use her skills as a missionary in Brazil, but her poor health kept her from doing so. She eventually followed God's call to matrimony and married an engineer, Pietro. She quickly had three children but continued to work and be involved in the community. 

While many are tempted to separate work from personal life, especially spiritual life, Gianna made no such distinction. According to her husband when asked about Gianna as a physician,  

She often repeated: "Whoever touches the body of a patient, touches the body of Christ." It was a quasi-sacramental concept, according to which Gianna sought to cure illnesses but at the same time bring comfort to spirits. (Gerriero, Elio and Pietro Molla, Saint Gianna Molla, 73) 


Gianna was also part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and leader of the Young Women of Catholic Action. Together these women visited the elderly poor, doing simple chores for them and bringing them cheer. 

Whether in the hospital or in the community, Gianna cared for everyone around her with great love and joy. Her greatest joy, however, was her children. She never wasted a moment with them, carving out time for concerts, skiing, and play. She also taught them to pray and to see God in everything. Gianna loved her children and would empty herself entirely for them. She once said, 

Love and sacrifice are as intimately connected as sun and light. We cannot love without suffering or suffer without loving. Look how many sacrifices are made by mothers who truly love their children. They are ready for everything, even to give their own blood. (Gerriero, Elio and Pietro Molla, Saint Gianna Molla, 90) 




She was given the opportunity to witness to her belief when she became pregnant with her fourth child. In her second trimester, she experienced intense pain and was found to have a uterine tumor. She was given the options of abortion or hysterectomy—both of which would end the life of her unborn child—or surgery to only remove the tumor. The third option would spare the child's life, but put Gianna at risk of complications. Gianna bravely opted for the surgery, knowing that she may not live. She repeatedly told her family and her doctors that they should prioritize the baby's life over her own.

On April 21, 1962, her daughter Gianna Emmanuela was safely delivered. Gianna, however, became ill from the surgical complications and died one week later. 


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Let us ask for Saint Gianna’s intercession—that we too can live a life of humble service and courageous love.


Gianna truly lived out Christ’s command to “love one another as I have loved you”, laying down her life for her child (Jn 13:34).  Whether she was serving her children, her patients, or her community, Gianna exuded the love of Christ. As mothers and as participants in society and in the Church, let us ask for Saint Gianna’s intercession—that we too can live a life of humble service and courageous love.



Copyright 2023 Allison Paulose
Images: (top, center) Canva; (bottom) Nheyob, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons