Are you wishing the days away? A recent snowstorm helped Sheri Wohlfert remember to appreciate the blessings of the season she's in.
There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens. (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Three recent snow days created a little flashback to days gone by. As I watched the snow pile up I thought our yard would have been the world’s greatest place to play but as I walked from window to window all I saw was deep, fresh, unmarked snow. No sled marks, no snowmobile tracks, no snow angels, no tunnels or forts or snowmen. As I stood there getting way too sentimental I remembered the wishes I’d made when my kids were in their snow-stomping days.
I remember all too well how long it took to bundle them all up, find 6 gloves and 3 hats and 6 boots that all fit and matched (ok … so they didn’t always match). By the time they all got zipped and buttoned and tied up I was sweaty and frustrated and relieved that they were out the door! I would wish they would stay out and play for hours so I could have some peace and quiet. I remember all the energy it took to get them out there and it never failed, five minutes later someone was yelling from the doorway, “Mom, I have to go to the bathroom!” or “Mom, so-and-so put snow down my back—I need a towel!” or my very favorite, “Mom, I lost my boot in the snow hill!”
For the amount of work it would take to get them out there to track up the snow, it never seemed to last long enough. I wished for them to be independent and creative out there in the snow without my help, but before I knew it they would be in and the back room would be a mess of wet, cold puddles and drippy snow pants and boots. It would take twenty minutes to get everything hung and mopped up, and then we’d do it all over again. Flashing back to that part of winter made that sparkly uninterrupted snow seem less sentimental.
I wondered as I stood there staring at the snow how many things I had wished away in my life. It seems like we’re often wishing for the day when we won’t be so busy or when things won’t be so hectic or when the kids get more independent and don’t need us so much. But are we really satisfied when that day arrives? That snowstorm made me realize I should do a better job of recognizing the hand of God in every circumstance and stage of life.
Life comes in seasons. It won’t always be the same, which is to say if things are hard it doesn’t mean it will always be hard and if something is simple and lovely that won’t always last either. God works through all circumstances and with each season of life there is growth and challenge and joy if we stop and look for it. There is blessing and benefit in every stage and season of life. Each one has a purpose and God has perfectly designed and arranged it to define and mature a certain part of our holiness.
Little kids mean puddles in the entryway, big kids mean uninterrupted snow … each is full of blessing and beauty. I have to ask God to help me find that beauty in every season of my life. God help me find you in the NOW of my days and help me stop looking so hard for you in the “then’s” and the “when’s”!
A Seed To Plant: Say a prayer for your present. Ask God to help you recognize His work THIS day without comparing it to yesterday or tomorrow.
Blessings on your day!
Copyright 2022 Sheri Wohlfert
Images: Canva Pro
About the Author
Sheri Wohlfert
Sheri is a Catholic wife, mom, speaker and teacher. She uses her great sense of humor and her deep faith to help others discover the joy of being a child of God. Her roots are in Kansas but her home is in Michigan. The mission of her ministry is to encourage others to look at the simple ways we can all find God doing amazing things smack dab in the middle of the laundry, ball games, farm chores and the hundred other things we manage to cram into a day. Sheri also writes at