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Video: Heather Johnson offers a step-by-step guide to starting a ministry within your parish.

I truly believe that it's important for us to build community within the Church. Maybe God's tugging on your heart to have a Bible study or a book study or a Rosary group or mothers' prayer group.

In this video, I'm offering tools for starting a ministry within your parish.


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A step-by-step guide to starting a community within your parish. #catholicmom

Steps for starting a community within your parish:
  • Plan a few months ahead of the first session
  • Choose the focus for your group
  • Be consistent about meeting time and place
  • Offer childcare 
  • Have a consistent outline of the meeting's agenda
  • Building community is more important than sticking strictly to the plan
  • Plan refreshments: sign-up, pot luck
  • Form a team of helpers
  • Engage with new members to help them get comfortable with the group
  • Publicize your group ahead of the first meeting
  • Have the Catechism of the Catholic Church and other resources available 
  • Consider size of the group; if it's larger than 12, split it and put members with similar interests or circumstances together


Resources mentioned in this video:

The Handbook for Catholic Moms by Lisa M. Hendey



Copyright 2022 Heather Johnson
Images: Canva