Caroline Godin recounts how one crazy morning showed her how much she needs to refocus on God in order to get through her day.
School is back in session, sports are back on, and I lost an entire morning inputting my kids’ schedules into the family calendar. For us in the Boston 'burbs, as of this writing, school’s been back about a week and my head is already swimming with tasks, appointments, and to-dos.
This morning, I get the teens out of the house on time—okay, they get themselves out, but I encourage them a bit—then my neighbor’s little guy comes over and I get him on the bus. My little guy has a dentist appointment, so we hit the highway (with traffic) and go there (on time—yay!) then to school.
I have deadlines to meet but first I need gas and groceries. My head is racing through the grocery aisles trying to remember everything. I have a list on my phone, but it’s not great. Plus, honestly, by the time I look at the list and look at the aisle, I forget what it says.
I’m literally pulling into a checkout lane when I see a lady in front put chicken on the belt. Chicken! My husband wants chicken to grill tonight and it’s not on the list! See? Not great. Spin around and get chicken.
High Hopes
I must admit I had some crazy hopes of using the pool on these hot days while everyone was at work and school. The high-school bus is nearly here and I’m still working in my office, trying to make those deadlines. I’m not behind, but I’m not ahead. Just afloat. And hungry since I haven’t eaten yet.
I keep thinking I’m close to landing a job that’ll pay high and help us. I keep thinking I’ll have more time once school starts. Sometimes I make these goal markers in my life as though I’m holding out for something to happen that’ll make things better, easier.
It doesn’t work that way. I know that; yet I play the game in my head. How many times has God looked at me and sighed, shaking His head? Or maybe He’s laughing.
He’s probably laughing.
Who’s in Charge
Too many times I beg God to help and then I try to take the reins and fix things myself. I stress and I worry, and I try to overachieve. It’s not the busyness that’s hard; it’s the weight of feeling like I need to do this alone. I know better. I really do, but I get lost in my own head.
I’m so grateful God is patient with me. His patience astounds me truly. I’d have given myself a good shake by now. Yet He waits for me to calm down and come to Him, looking for His grace and mercy.
We have a quiet talk, some breathing, and sometimes an ugly cry. Then, I hand it back to Him and find a way to trust His plans. He’s so much better at this than I am.
Letting Go
I still have to do the work, but it’s lighter knowing I can do it one day at a time. Tomorrow isn’t going anywhere, and I’ll get there eventually. I can manage the day-to-day, play schedule guru, and make better grocery lists. When I’m more trusting, I manage my own time better, make better plans for my work, and find it easier to accomplish.
Look at it this way, try holding your breath while completing a complicated math problem. Maybe you can do it, but you’re partly focused on holding your breath, so you don’t concentrate as well. If we allow God to stay in control of our lives and don’t try to take it from Him, we can breathe better.
You probably know this too, but it’s not a bad reminder. Are you stressed? Are you worried? Breathe. He’s got this (Proverbs 3:5-6). Just do today one task at a time. You’ll get there. God’s got you covered so you can get dinner covered, or whatever you have on your list.
Copyright 2023 Caroline Godin
Images: Canva
About the Author

Caroline Godin
Caroline Godin is a freelance writer, catechist, and life coach to first responder families. She is married with 3 children. When not writing, catechizing, or coaching, she enjoys finding new house projects to start and never finish or going camping. She takes a light-hearted view of life and keeps her eyes on eternity. One day, she may be the patron saint of procrastination or ADHD.