Emily Jaminet explains how devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus can bring spiritual stability and total transformation.
The Sacred Heart devotion has strengthened generations and generations of Catholics and proven to be tried and true in not only providing spiritual stability but a total transformation of hearts and homes. Why? Because Jesus wants to offer us His graces of total and complete conversion so we can experience unity with His Heart.
When we seek to love our family with Christ's love, we will not only be better parents, but we too will be forever changed. The love that pours from the heart of Jesus is always kind and patient; (1 Corinthians 13: 4-8). Jesus tells us,
“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart, and you will find rest for yourselves. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.” (Matthew 11: 28-30)
We are invited to follow Jesus and seek to rest in His love and learn from Him so that we better love and serve others.
We must turn to Jesus for this ever-flowing source of perfect love to fill our hearts and homes. If we follow His ways, we will not only be better mothers, but we will come to experience a spiritual heart transplant. Here are some life-changing suggestions for any Catholic parent. Below are four powerful quotes and suggestions on how to begin living out the Sacred Heart devotion today!
Expose and honor the Lord in your home
Jesus desires us to place an image in our home, remember to pray to Him, and learn to keep Him ever in our thoughts throughout the day. He will help us by pouring out graces upon our hearts and helping unite our families. Consider the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Pope Pius XI said, "This pious custom, practiced by innumerable families, of dedicating and surrendering themselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is an acknowledgment of the Kingship and sovereign rule of Christ." This devotion was first approved by the Catholic Church in 1907 as a way to counter the growing influence of Secularism and Modernism attacking families.
"Wherever the Image of My Sacred Heart is publicly expose and honored, I will pour out graces of sanctification and salvation; I will touch unfeeling hearts, I will reunite divided families, I will help them in all their needs." (Jesus promised to St Margaret Mary)
This is why we work so hard at www.WelcomeHisHeart.com to promote this spiritual practice. Enthronement is for all Catholics. Yes, you can Enthrone the Sacred Heart in your home if your husband isn’t Catholic, and you can Enthrone if you are the only practicing Catholic left in the home. Just give your life to Jesus and let Him do the rest!
The great invitation to live in the world but not be worldly
As to persons living in the world, they shall find in this devotion all the aids necessary in their state of life: peace in their homes, consolation in their work, the blessing of heaven upon all their enterprises, comfort in their sorrows, a secure refuge during life and especially at the hours of death. It is plainly evident that there is no one in the world who will not receive all kinds of heavenly blessings if they have a true love of Jesus Christ manifested by a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, 1647-1690)
Turn to His Heart and be refreshed!
If you are overwhelmed by sadness, go and plunge your soul into the ocean of the divine joy of the Sacred Heart; there, you will discover a treasure that will dispel all your heaviness of heart and dejection of mind. (St. Margaret Mary Alacoque: II, 755)
The Sacred Heart offers us spiritual protection!
Jesus told St. Margaret Mary in the 1670s, "Fear nothing; I will reign in spite of My enemies and of all those who would oppose Me. (II, 105) and again, "I will that thou should serve Me as an instrument to draw hearts to My love." (II, 193).
The Sacred Heart desires to come into our life as our Spiritual Protector, King, Savior, Brother, and Friend of your family! Jesus loves you and desires you and your family to be with Him in heaven for all eternity. When we ask Jesus into our homes, through the Enthronement, we are welcoming the Kingdom of God to reign in our hearts and homes.
To learn more about the Sacred Heart Enthronement or this life-changing devotion, you can pick up and read Emily Jaminet’s book, Secrets of the Sacred Heart of Jesus: 12 Ways to Claim Jesus’ Promises in Your Life or visit www.WelcomeHisHeart.com.
*These quotes came from The Letters of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and Thoughts and Saying of Saint Margaret Mary, both published by TAN Books.
Copyright 2022 Emily Jaminet
Images: Canva
About the Author

Emily Jaminet
Emily Jaminet and her husband have 7 children. Jaminet is the Executive Director of Sacred Heart Enthronement Network, WelcomeHisHeart.com, shares "A Mother's Moment," a daily radio reflection, a podcast host and radio personality. She is the co-author of Divine Mercy For Moms: Sharing the Lessons of St. Faustina and The Friendship Project, Pray Fully, Our Friend Faustina, and her most recent book Secrets of the Sacred Heart. You can read more of Emily’s work at EmilyJaminet.com or InspireTheFaith.com.