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As she celebrates a milestone birthday, Michelle Nott reflects on turning another year older.

This month, I say goodbye to my twenties and hello to my thirties. It is a change I have been anticipating for a while and was a little nervous about. But as I’ve gotten closer to the date, I’m less nervous and more eager to see where this next decade will bring me.  

I haven’t made any particular plans for the day since it falls on a Wednesday this year and we have a busy school-year schedule. But I figured there would be time to celebrate with my family at night to at least have some cake. 

Then I found out my husband won’t be in town for it. He is in the military, and it’s not uncommon for training to pop up every now and then. Unfortunately, it just worked out that he has one during our daughter’s birthday and my birthday. Needless to say, I’m disappointed that the start of this new decade will be more stressful than I had wanted, as I will be single parenting that week and trying to manage everything on my own, including making my daughter’s birthday special. She also is disappointed that her dad will not be home on her birthday. 




I took some time to feel sad about the situation. Obviously, my husband didn’t plan to miss these dates. But I can still feel disappointed about the way things turned out. 

But then I had a thought. Maybe God is calling me to make the beginning of the decade more of a sacrificial one. Maybe He is asking me to focus on all the good aspects of my life right now. I really do have so much to be grateful for. 

I also realized that I will be the same age that Jesus was when He started His ministry. According to the Gospel of St. Luke, “When Jesus began his ministry he was about thirty years of age” (Luke 3: 23).  

It makes me wonder how He felt when He turned 30, knowing that pretty soon, His life would change, and He would officially be on the path to crucifixion. He knew that’s why He came, and He made the sacrifice willingly for us, but He was also of human nature. I wonder if getting closer to that age made Him nervous about everything? 

We do know that He was scared during the Agony in the Garden. He prayed:

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me; still, not my will but yours be done." [And to strengthen him an angel from heaven appeared to him. He was in such agony and he prayed so fervently that his sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground.] (Luke 22:42-44) 


It also makes me wonder what God has planned out for my life. Jesus knew at a certain point, His proclamation would begin, and once it did, He wouldn’t have much time left on Earth. He knew what His mission was. 




Meanwhile, I’m turning 30 and am still not sure about what all God is calling me to do. I am blessed that I have been called to the path of marriage and motherhood. My twenties were filled with the beginning of my marriage and motherhood journeys, and I know that my thirties will be filled with the continuation of those, as I am due in a few months with our sixth baby.  

But I can’t help but wonder if maybe there is also another path that will be added onto my life in my thirties as my kids grow older. Writing was a path that got added back into my life in my twenties, and I am so grateful for it. I am hoping that writing and publishing a book will be part of the journey in my thirties. Time will tell, and God’s path for me will be revealed. 

There are so many things to look forward to in the future! And what better time to count blessings and have hope than at the beginning of a new decade. Just because it is starting off a little differently than I had hoped, doesn’t mean it won’t be a good one. I just need to remember all the blessings in my life right now, including the blessing of turning another year older. 


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Copyright 2024 Michelle Nott
Images: Canva