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Leigh Ann Roman reviews an engaging picture book that would make a wonderful read-aloud during Advent and Christmas.

The Tiniest Angel's Gift

By Paulette J. DeBella; illustrated by Ekaterina Mironova

Publisher: Little Blessing Books


The Tiniest Angel’s Gift by Paulette J. DeBella is a unique re-telling of the Christmas story from the perspective of Christina, the smallest angel in Heaven. The picture book could be a read-aloud for young children or could be read independently by middle-grade readers. The story is brought to life with luminous, engaging illustrations by Ekaterina Mironova.  


Tiniest Angels Gift


Children would immediately identify with the book’s main character, Christina. Because she is so small, she sometimes feels forgotten or even a bit lost in the busy, grown-up world. The book opens on a very special day in Heaven: the birthday of Christ the King. The story follows Christina as she learns more about the birth and watches Mary and Joseph’s guardian angels, Marianna and Joseppi, travel to Bethlehem. 

As Christina worries about what gift to bring to the King, she is assured by Michael the Archangel that “The best gifts come from our hearts and are born of love.” When the Christ Child is born, Christina’s heart fills with light and love. She then receives a remarkable assignment from God the Father. He asks Christina to be the guardian angel of Jesus. 


Sharing Polish heritage 

The joy-filled angel flies toward Earth, plucking a star from Heaven to take with her to the roof of the stable in Bethlehem. Because of Christina’s great love of the Christ child, the star she holds glows and grows, lighting the way to the Holy Family. As the author shares in a historical note, the star’s importance is part of a Polish tradition on Christmas Eve. Children in Polish families must watch for and announce the Christmas star’s first light. Only when the star appears can families begin their Christmas Eve meal and other festivities. The tradition is so important that, although Christmas in Poland is officially known as Boze Narodzenie (God’s Birth), it is often referred to by the nickname, Gwiazdka, which means “little star.” 

The author uses a compelling character in Christina and beautiful, light-filled illustrations by Mironova to share this tradition, which is part of her Polish heritage. DeBella’s background as a teacher is also apparent because her writing shows that she knows how to connect with children. 


The importance of guardian angels  

The guardian angel story line adds a lot to the book for Catholic readers. It introduces children to the idea of guardian angels and emphasizes their importance because, in this story, every member of the Holy Family has their own guardian angel. The only aspect of the book that I might change would be to place the historical note at the front so that the context of the Polish tradition would be more easily framed for the reader.  

I really felt that I gained something by reading the book. I would truly have welcomed such a book during Advent when my children were young, and I believe it would make a wonderful gift for any child at Christmas.  




Ask for The Tiniest Angel's Gift at your local Catholic bookseller, or order online from Amazon.com.


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Copyright 2024 Leigh Ann Roman
Images: Canva