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Helen Syski finds parallels between God’s commandment to keep holy the Sabbath and the benefits of an exercise class. 

When I was younger, I laughed at the idea of personal trainers and exercise classes.  Why would I pay money for the inconvenience of going to a smelly gym rather than a glorious run along the river? Why would I pay money to do exactly what I could do at home for free? Why not choose my own exercises I find fun rather than the drudgery of doing what someone else tells me to?   

This is how a lot of people feel about Sunday Mass. Why not just pray at home? Why sit through music they don’t like, at a time that isn’t convenient, for a homily that bores them to tears?   


Accountability and Companionship  

These days, with the busy schedule of a mom of five, I have finally seen the light and started to attend an exercise class. The accountability and companionship on this crazy journey of health and fitness has been a game changer. I need someone else showing up to help me show up! I need a set day and time so exercise makes it on (and stays on) my calendar! Leaving my home forces the workout to happen, no matter whether baby is napping or not, or teething or not, or I suddenly remember I was supposed to start dinner in the slow cooker. 

Just one set class a week sets the tone and gives me the oomph to get out on walks or smaller home workouts in between. And if everything collapses, that one day will carry me onward and keep me from sliding into a month of atrophy.  

This is one of the simple gifts of God’s commandment. He knows we need accountability and companionship. He knows that finite options can actually help make something happen. Prayer at home can be bumped back until it falls of the back of the truck, but when you have to choose between 10 AM and 5 PM to get to church the same day every week, it will happen! 




Professional Knowledge and Guidance  

Another big piece of exercise classes is the professional help navigating the fragility of my body. Dealing with the various stages of pregnancy and post-partum requires knowledge of what heals and strengthens my body versus what causes damage. To have someone give guidance on how to listen to my particular body and experience and apply the basic principles of posture and exercise is crucial!    

This is what the Church gives us in her liturgy and hopefully in our parish priest. The Holy Spirit is always at work to send us what we need if we are receptive to Him. The Eucharist, the Scriptures, and the beautiful prayers of the liturgy contain gems for every stage in life and every state of soul. No need for hours of poring over the internet to find the perfect passage for the day. 




Decision Made  

Decision fatigue? As moms we have to make decisions all day long, and for me that limited energy is often gone by 10 AM. What a gift to just show up and get healthy without having to make a thousand decisions about what exercises, how much, and most of all the constant decision to keep going! With a class I can just decide to show up … give my yes and the class does the rest.  

When we go to Mass, we give our yes and then drink the grace. We do not have to make constant decisions of what to do next, nor select the perfect Scripture reading or prayer for the day. We are fed a feast of spiritual nourishment and given the time to reflect and pray and be in conversation with Jesus (and yes, bouncing that baby counts). We just have to show up.  

When God gave us His commandments, it was to give us gifts. He tells us the basic decisions we need to keep for our souls to flourish. If we give our yes, He does the rest.   


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Copyright 2024 Helen Syski
Images: Canva