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CatholicMom founder Lisa Hendey welcomes Elizabeth Tomlin, author of Joyful Momentum, to another lively conversation in the series from the Catholic Marketing Network conference in Schaumberg, Illinois.

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Elizabeth Tomlin wrote Joyful Momentum to help parishes start or liven up their parish women’s groups. The book is written as a faith study that can be used for personal study or in a group. Tomlin is an author and international speaker, as well as the General Counsel for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA, and a CatholicMom contributor. She’s an Army wife, and mother of three children. 

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Lisa Hendey welcomes CatholicMom contributor Elizabeth Tomlin, author of Joyful Momentum, to the Momcast #catholicmom

Catholic Momcast 1

Copyright 2022 Lisa M. Hendey
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries