CatholicMom.com founder Lisa Hendey invites contributors Andrea Bear and Jennifer Thomas, hosts of Mourning Glory Podcast, for an important conversation about mourning, loss, and faith.
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Lisa Hendey is joined by two of our Catholic Mom contributors, Andrea Bear and Jennifer Thomas, to discuss their beautiful new Mourning Glory Podcast. This podcast is aimed at helping listeners to navigate grief from a Catholic/Christian perspective. Host Andrea Bear and Jennifer Thomas share their journeys while drawing on faith. Combined with mental health tools and heavenly wisdom this podcast hopes to help listeners know they are not alone.
Andrea Bear writes for faith-based websites such as Catholicmom.com, queenofpeacemedia.com, and last year completed her first novel Grieving Daughters’ Club, loosely based off her experience with loss. She is a high school history teacher and has a fondness for St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. You can visit her website at http://www.andreabearauthor.com
Jennifer Thomas is a Catholic wife and mom who recently reverted back to the faith. In addition to being a contributing writer for Catholicmom.com she is a stationary enthusiast who enjoys sending meaningful letters to her friends and family. She also enjoys researching ways to instill Catholic traditions within her family while finishing her first book. You can find her at http://www.jenniferjthomas.com/
Show Notes Links:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085419196537
- Instagram: @morningglorypodcast
- Mourning Glory Podcast
We love to hear from you with feedback, questions & ideas for future podcast topics. Email us at editor@catholicmom.com or send us a voicemail or connect on social media.
Grief, loss, and faith with Lisa Hendey, Andrea Bear, and Jennifer Thomas. #CatholicMom
Copyright 2023 Lisa M. Hendey
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries