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Lisa Hendey and Barb Szyszkiewicz welcome Sr. Julia Walsh, FSPA, author of For Love of the Broken Body: A Spiritual Memoir (April 2024) at the LA Congress. 

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Lisa Hendey and Barb Szyszkiewicz enjoy a conversation on the “spirituality of messiness” at the Archdiocese of Los Angeles Religious Education Congress with Sr. Julia Walsh, FSPA, author of the forthcoming spiritual biography For Love of the Broken Body: A Spiritual Memoir (April 2024). 

Julia Walsh is a Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration and part of her congregation’s formation team, serving women who are discerning their vocation. She co-founded The Fireplace, an intentional community and house of hospitality on Chicago’s southside that offers spiritual support to seekers, artists, and activists. She has a MA in Pastoral Studies from Catholic Theological Union and is a spiritual director and secondary teacher. As a creative writer, educator, and retreat presenter she is passionate about exploring the intersection of creativity, spirituality, activism, and community life. Sister Julia’s work can be found in publications such as America, Living Faith Catholic Devotional, National Catholic Reporter, Living City, The Christian Century, Chicago Sun-Times, and St. Anthony Messenger. She hosts the Messy Jesus Business blog and podcast and is on Twitter and Instagram as @JuliaFSPA. A lover of the outdoors, she sometimes can be found studying wildflowers near Elgin, Iowa, her hometown. 

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Lisa Hendey and Barb Szyszkiewicz discuss “spirituality of messiness” with Sr. Julia Walsh, FSPA. #CatholicMom

Catholic Momcast 1

Copyright 2023 Lisa M. Hendey
Images: Holy Cross Family Ministries