In the newest Catholic Momcast, Danielle Bean and Allison Gingras share ideas for practicing your faith on the go.
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This week, Allison Gingras and Danielle Bean discuss ways to keep practicing (and maybe even enhancing!) your faith while on vacation. They share ideas for praying on the go, finding and attending Mass in a new location, and modeling for our kids the importance of prayer wherever we go.
Mentioned in this episode:
Allison's upcoming book from Ave Maria Press, Encountering Signs of Faith: My Unexpected Journey With Sacramentals, the Saints, and the Abundant Grace of God.
Allison's recent Catholic Mom Hangout about bringing Jesus on vacation
MassTimes.org, a handy resource for finding Mass, confession and adoration when you are away from home
My Queen, My Mother: A Living Novena, written by Catholic Mom contributor Marge Fenelon
We love to hear from you with feedback, questions & ideas for future podcast topics. Email us at editor@catholicmom.com or send us a voicemail or connect on social media.
Copyright 2022 Danielle Bean