Today's Gospel: Luke 24:35-48 As I reflected on this gospel, my first impressions were about the disciples initially awestruck, thinking Jesus could be a ghost, and Jesus saying “Peace be with you”. I recalled the few times in my life where I’ve actually felt Jesus’ presence when looking upon another human. Sometimes, when looking at a loved one, giving care to a person in need, or on the birth of a baby, God reveals His presence to us and we are awestruck. Then the disciples were frightened and doubts arose. How easy it is for us to become anxious in the midst of the blessing of being in God’s presence. As I meditated more, it struck me - why would it be important to discuss that Jesus ate? Obviously, being known to them in the breaking of the bread is significant because of the Eucharistic meaning. The importance of eating the broiled fish passed me by. By Jesus eating the fish, He helped them to understand his actual presence. I thought of how many cultures (including my own background) consider food and eating a huge part of any celebration or any big event. What is easily understood to most humans? Food. Jesus was reaching the disciples through His humanity on a simple level through eating the fish. The passage ends with a reminder of all that Jesus has fulfilled - the psalms, the law of Moses and the prophets all foreshadowed the dtory of Easter. “Thus it is written, that the Messiah is to suffer and to rise from then dead on the third day, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins is to be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem. You are witnesses of the things.” Think of the awesomeness of Jesus - here we are two thousand years later, and the name of Jesus is proclaimed throughout the world. We are still called to understand and share His word, to serve the poor and see Him in others today.


How do you identify with this reading? Have you had a moment where you have seen Jesus in another person? Have you had time where you were speechless and amazed at His presence? Has Jesus opened your mind to understand the scriptures?


Lord, help me to recognize You and rejoice and be amazed by Your presence. Help me to be open to Your voice and to understand the scriptures and to see You in all who I meet.
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