Today's Gospel: Luke 1:39-56 - Solemnity of the Assumption In today’s Gospel, Mary sets out to visit Elizabeth “in haste.” Just a few passages back from the Visitation account, we remember that Mary also responds to the angel’s request with a cheerful readiness. Mary does not delay in giving her “yes” to God. When God invites me to do something, I am a little slower than Mary in my response. I am grateful for His invitation to be His servant, His handmaiden. But instead of responding to Him with an eager “yes,” I hesitate. Can you wait a bit, Lord? Can I finish these things first? Can you come back when this or that is in order? Mary did not ask God if she could give His proposal more time. She didn’t ask the angel to come back in a week. No, she was ready to say yes, and I want to be ready, too. But I don’t feel ready, because I feel unequipped. My hesitation results from the idea that I have to rely on my own strength and abilities to follow God’s plan. When in fact, I do not! As I pray with today’s Gospel reading, one line in particular stands out: “He has looked with favor on His lowly servant.” In another Bible translation, it reads, “He has regarded the low estate of His handmaiden.” God invites me in my poverty, hesitation, and imperfection. He sees my low estate, and He still looks upon me with favor. He regards my lowliness and invites me to be His handmaiden anyway. He is doing great things for me ... Holy is His name!


Is God inviting you to something great? How can you respond with cheerfulness and readiness, like Mary?


Lord, thank You for inviting me into Your beautiful plans. Mary, thank you for showing me how to say yes to God.
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