Today's Gospel: Luke 17:11-19 - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time The lone leper returns to thank Jesus for his healing. Jesus wonders, where are the other nine? How many times have I witnessed God's hand in someone's life, yet they themselves didn't acknowledge it? We overlook the presumed mundane miracles in our lives. Sometimes we don't acknowledge the hand of God in situations. I know a few non-Christians who celebrate an occurrence in their lives, not realizing how hard my friends and I have prayed for them. Or if there is an acknowledgement, the Lord is quickly forgotten in the aftermath. God is in all things, as I continue to pray for the small miracles, as well as the extraordinary ones I hope my friends see in their every day lives.


Have you had an experience where God was clearly in your life and others didn't see His work?


Lord, help me to pray for those who don't see You in their lives.
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