Today's Gospel: Matthew 7:21, 24-27 Facing Advent is a bit like facing an alarm clock. We begin the waiting game, watching as the weeks, days, minutes, and seconds count down to Christmas. When the day of the Holy Birth comes, the alarm clock goes off and we (hopefully) find ourselves in joyful celebration! Still, as exciting as this is, this waiting game is actually two-fold. The countdown should also be that of spiritual preparation. This would best include an assessment of our lives. Honest spiritual questioning should take place, such as considering exactly how we think we have been building our own spiritual “house.” Is our faith supported by our actions? Do others see Christ in us? If so, there is a good chance that we have built our house solidly on rock, and that we need to develop a follow-up plan to keep that rock strong and secure. What about a faith supported by sand? Have we found our faith greatly faltering under the buffeting and pain of recent events? Have we doubted and strayed, following the lure of the culture? Do we speak one way and act another? These would be good indications that our house is on sandy ground, with danger of collapse and ruin. An honest assessment is key to determining our house’s status. The beauty of having a God Who is so in love with us is that He is standing by as the Heavenly Mason, ready to strengthen and reinforce the ground below our house so it prevails in support for eternity. He only needs our “yes.” As we wait and follow the countdown to Christmas, may we take the time to honestly assess whether we stand on solid or sandy ground. Then, let us use the gift of Advent time to work on strengthening our house so that it will be strong enough to stand up to and into eternity!


Assessing honestly, does it seem that my house stands on solid or sandy ground?


Lord, show me the status of my house. Fortify and secure the ground below it so that I may see You for all eternity!
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