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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 28:8-15


The moment a mama runs to the crib and embraces her crying baby, she announces Jesus Christ, risen from the dead. Each time a mama runs to kiss a scraped knee, calm the fear from a nightmare, or hug her sad child, she proclaims Jesus, alive in our world.

The angel charges Mary Magdalene to “go quickly and tell his disciples 'He has been raised from the dead.'” On the way, Mary Magdalene encounters the Risen Lord, embraces and worships Him, and then boldly runs to the disciples: “I have seen the Lord!" (John 20:18)

Mary Magdalene, first preacher of the Risen Lord!

Christian parents preach when they, like Mary Magdalene, “run” to bring the Good News of Jesus to their own children. Christian mothers and fathers have the profound right and sacred privilege of serving as “first preachers” to their children.

Mama, preach the Risen Lord!

Preach by telling the stories of Jesus, teaching your children to pray, and speaking of ways you have seen the Lord (Jesus is with us right now; Jesus loves you so much; Jesus forgives us when we are sorry; with Jesus, there is always hope). Preach when gazing at the stars and praising God for the new life of babies and daffodils.

Preach to your children by pointing all things to Jesus Christ, risen and alive.

Do not be afraid to run to your lost or lonely child with Jesus’ ever-present friendship. Preach the Risen Christ, in Whom they can rise from any sin, failure, disappointment or sickness—even death. Preach Jesus Christ, alive, through your words and actions of hope, peace, love, and joy!

Mama, you’ve got this! You are the first and the BEST preacher to your children!

Jesus Christ has risen! Alleluia! Alleluia!



How will you preach the Risen Lord to your children?



Lord, You have given us, as parents, the beautiful task of preaching to our own children. Please give us the grace to announce You, our Risen Lord, in our daily lives. Amen.

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Christian parents preach when they, like Mary Magdalene, “run” to bring the Good News of Jesus to their own children. #dailygospel


Copyright 2021 Mary Pedersen