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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 14:1-12


There are some lessons we can learn from today´s Gospel about the circumstances of John Baptist´s death. Herod sent John Baptist to jail because he was telling the truth and it was hard to hear. All of us can relate to that: either you hear a truth that you don´t like (and if you could you would stop whoever is telling you that) or you tell the truth to someone who is ignored or even offended.

To tell or hear what is true is not always easy, but we should commit to that, because Jesus said about Himself: “I AM the Truth.” He also said that the devil is the father of all lies. “The truth will set you free” (John 8:32), is another quote from the Gospel that we need to believe in. Every lie ties us and makes us slaves. Even the small ones, the ones nobody will know about, the ones we think won´t harm anyone. A lie is a lie no matter what.

We should always try to speak the truth. It is an exercise we need to do during all whole lives, if we really want to live a Christian life. And we should also thank God when someone show us the truth, even if it hurts.

Another lesson from this Gospel is about peer pressure. Herod didn't want to kill John, but he felt he “had to,” because everybody was watching. And he was the king! He didn't have the strength to say “no.” So many times we fall because of what others would think about us. We need to learn how to be strong and stick with our beliefs. It is important to ask for this grace, because when we manage to resist peer pressure, we give a strong testimony for others.

To tell or hear what is true is not always easy, but we should commit to that, because Jesus said about Himself: “I AM the Truth.” #dailygospel



What can I do to have more strength to speak the truth and to resist peer pressure?



Holy Guardian Angel, help me to speak the truth at all times. Show me when I am about to tell a lie and help me resist it. Help me also to be strong and resist every pressure to betray my beliefs. Amen.


Copyright 2020 Flávia Ghelardi