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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Memorial of St. Agatha - Mark 6:14-29


Can a familiar story lose its effectiveness by being told too often? Is that the risk we run in hearing the gospels in their cyclical nature? In today’s gospel, we remember full well how John the Baptist dies. We know of Herod’s lust; Herodias’ willingness to sell her daughter, and the daughter’s willingness to barter for his head on a platter.

What are we take from this familiar story of treachery and betrayal? Don’t make an oath you cannot keep? Don’t place yourself in a position to be used by others? In my younger years, this was all I took away. But, now?

This account of John’s death is told every year, regardless of the cycle, because of its importance. Every year we need to be outraged by this trio of conspirators and shake our heads in dismay. We wonder just how could John be killed in such a shameful manner. Killed to settle an oath? An oath that should never have been made in the first place? Yes, he and others like him through history were bravely martyred just for telling the truth.

St. Agnes, whose feast is also today, did as much. An early martyr, her story might lack in specific dates and times but it does not waver in its core message. In every telling of her story, she willingly accepts death rather than turn her back on God. She dies for telling the truth.

There was a time, in my younger years, I relied on this gospel to help me discern the company I kept. Now, I pray to be more like John and St. Agnes. Ready, no matter the threat or worry, to speak the truth.



Where am I being asked to speak the truth but hesitate, worried about how I will look or how it will be received?



Dear God, I know there are times when You need me to speak the truth. Help me rely on Your grace and strength to have the words I need to do so, trusting it will help draw those I love closer to You.

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Where am I being asked to speak the truth but hesitate, worried about how I will look or how it will be received? #dailygospel


Copyright 2021 Rachel Watkins