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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Mark 3:7-12 - Memorial of St. Agnes


In today’s reading, Jesus is looking for some space. The disciples need to get a boat for Jesus just so that the crowds will not crush Him. Everywhere He went, the crowds were “pressing upon him to touch him,” and who could blame them? They had heard stories of the ways He had miraculously healed others and they wanted to get close too. If Jesus were walking the earth today, I’m pretty sure I would get on a plane to wherever He was and try to get as close to Him as possible.

I think every mom can relate to Jesus looking for some space. Especially when all my kids were small, I had many days where I felt exhausted and worn out from all their needs and all their touching. Babies and kids are very physical creatures. They drool in our hair and pull at our shirts with sticky little fingers.

I didn’t have a boat, so when I felt “pressed upon” as a young mom, I didn’t escape to the sea, but I would sometimes escape behind a locked door, even if only for a few minutes, to find a bit of peace. I have one friend who keeps a book in her pantry. When she feels overwhelmed, she hides in there sometimes to have a snack and read where the kids won’t find her.

We all have days where our many obligations and the people we are called to serve “press upon us” and we feel overwhelmed. In our moments of overwhelm, let’s remember to “press upon” Jesus. Let’s bring all of our worries and burdens to Him. He will touch us and restore us to life.



Where do you turn when life “presses upon” you?



Jesus, help me remember that I am made for You. Especially during times that are stressful or overwhelming, remind me that true peace and lasting joy can only be found in You. Amen.

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In our moments of overwhelm, let’s remember to “press upon” Jesus. Let’s bring all of our worries and burdens to Him. #dailygospel


Copyright 2021 Danielle Bean