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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 13:54-58


Jesus came upon His native hometown of Nazareth and entered the synagogue to teach to His people. At first they were amazed by His words and His wisdom, but then the naysayers started up with their niggling questions, which stirred up a storm of pettiness and doubt. Suddenly these astonished “neighbors” turned on Him. “Where did this guy get so much wisdom? Isn’t he just the lowly carpenter’s son? Don’t we know his run-of-the-mill family members?” Pride and temptation lured them off-course. They became irritated and took offense. They were blinded by their jealousy and lack of faith, thinking to themselves, “Surely, this man could not be all that special!”

Their familiarity with Jesus and His family burdened their biased hearts. With their lack of faith and humility, Jesus found that He was unable to work mighty deeds in His own hometown. How disappointed He must have been. We don’t want to be like them. Not that it’s bad to question and try to learn more, and make sure you’re on the right path. In John 1:46, Nathanael sarcastically asks Philip, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?!” But then he responds in faith to Philip’s enthusiastic plea, “Come and see!” Nathanael quashes his presumptuousness and becomes “small” enough to recognize Christ. If only the people of Jesus’ hometown could have been more like Philip and Nathanael!

On this memorial of Blessed Solanus Casey, let us reflect upon his profound and sacrificial humility, which allowed him to accept the difficulties on his arduous path to priesthood, the limits placed on his priestly duties, and his assignment as a lowly doorkeeper. What interior greatness he attained through his humble cooperation!



Do I allow the cynics and complainers in the world to unleash my pride and weaken my faith, or do I cling fast to my faith, and allow Jesus to work miracles in my life?



Almighty Father, help me to recognize the beauty and benefits of acting always in humble love and obedience. Remove the duplicity in my soul, so that my heart seeks only You.

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Do I allow the cynics and complainers in the world to unleash my pride and weaken my faith?


Copyright 2021 Charlene Rack