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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 9:18-26


When reading this gospel, I reflect on how Jesus responded to interruptions, revealing His attentive love. In the beginning, He is talking to the disciples of John, when the official comes to Him with the request for his daughter. Jesus responded to the request. En route to help the daughter, the woman touches his garment. She knew that she could be healed with even just a touch of “the tassel on his cloak.” Jesus could have allowed it to unfold that way; it would have been less disruptive to His plans to go to the official’s daughter. Instead He allowed the interruption in order to turn, see her, and affirm her. Aside from physical healing, this action would have helped her to recognize her value and worth.

When He arrived at the official’s house, the crowds were ridiculing Him. Though He could have healed in that context, showing them what He was capable of in response to their mocking, instead, Jesus dismissed the people before taking the girl by her hand and healing her. In doing so, He created a calmer environment for the girl to first experience her resurrected life. This once again showed His attentiveness to those He was serving. It also showed that He was calm and provided a sense of order amidst the chaos of the crowd. Though there was a sense of urgency, He was not rushed. Instead, He properly ordered the scenario, and then He healed.

Jesus responds to interruptions in a way that reveals His attentive love. #dailygospel



How can we help each other to slow down and be attentive to those around us, rather than rushing to “stay on track,” as Jesus modeled?



Loving Lord, thank You for Your attentive love that affirms our dignity and identity in You. Help us to trust in Your timing and to always remember that You always have it all under control.


Copyright 2020 Amanda Villagómez