Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Matthew 6:7-12
How many times in my lifetime have I prayed the words that Jesus gives us in this passage? Too many to count, as this prayer is an intrinsic and intimate part of the fabric of my life as a Catholic Christian.
As familiar as it is to me – us – now 2000+ years later, I often wonder what the disciples and the multitude of people who were there when Jesus gifted the world The Lord’s Prayer thought about this new prayer. It disrupted everything they knew about praying, presenting them a simple, uncomplicated way to speak directly to God, freeing them from the worry and fear of not using enough of the correct words.
As if saying more words could ever earn us more of God’s attention. It is this very mindset that Jesus helps us overcome when He says,
“In praying, do not babble like the pagans, who think that they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them. Your Father know what you need before you ask Him.” (Matthew 6:7-8
It’s not the number of words, nor the number of times we reach out to Him. It’s the fact that that we seek Him that matters. It isn’t how fancy the words are, rather it’s the intention behind them.
Jesus knew that a simple, uncomplicated prayer of praise, petition and supplication would give us a starting to point to pray when nothing else comes. He knew the disciples would need it as they departed the mountain that day, armed with the gift of a new way forward. Just as He knew we would need it all the more today.
Sometimes praying can feel more like a chore rather than something we look forward to. Are there any areas in your prayer life you feel you can simplify?
Father. You are the one True God. I want what you want. I need you and all that you offer me. Forgive me for all the times I have failed You, fallen short of your glory. Show me how to love my neighbor better, more perfectly. Protect me, Father. I am yours.
Copyright 2021 Laura K. Roland
About the Author

Laura K. Roland
Laura K. Roland is a cradle Catholic. She and her husband of 31+ years have 3 children and have recently added a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law to their ever-growing family. A former Catholic educator, she co-founded the women’s ministry Encounter Grace in 2018 and is a speaker, writer, mentor, and host of the new podcast, Short Story Longer.