Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: John 15:9-11
It’s quite amusing sometimes when you question little children if they did something wrong, when you know they did, they shake their heads “no” with completely guilty faces. In their innocence they don’t want to lose your love, and so are afraid if they fessed up, they may miss out on the affection they desire more than anything. This is when you just want to grab them and hug them close while gently teaching them what is right and wrong.
Sometimes I feel we do this with God. We want to remain in His love always and be assured that His love is there for us no matter what happens in life. But we are frail, weak, and sinful human beings that fall far short of our own ideals and the ideal of what Jesus holds out to us in the Gospels. We know the commandments. We desire to do good. So, why do we not always choose what is good? Why do we lose our patience so easily? Why do we allow jealousy to fester in our hearts? St. Paul understood the struggle when he said, “For I do not do the good I want, but I do the evil I do not want” (Romans 7:19). He knows that sin lives within us. If we recognize this and seek the Lord’s forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, then we are abiding in the love of the Father as Jesus promises. The main thing is that we desire to follow the commandments of God and love Him with our whole hearts. When we fall, our Heavenly Father gives us the grace to be reconciled to Him over and over again. That is when His love enfolds us while true inner joy is restored. Only in the state of grace do we experience this profound, undisturbed and harmonious joy.
How do you imagine yourself remaining in God’s love? Consider the last time you went to Confession. How did you feel afterwards?
Heavenly Father, You embrace me and surround me in Your love time and time again when I sin and run back to You asking for Your forgiveness. You never disappoint! Fill my heart with joy and gratitude for Your astoundingly unconditional and merciful love.
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How do you imagine yourself remaining in God’s love? #dailygospel
Copyright 2021 Sister Nancy Usselmann, fsp
About the Author

Sister Nancy Usselmann, fsp
Sr. Nancy Usselmann, FSP is a Daughter of St Paul and the Director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies in Los Angeles, CA. She is a Media Literacy Education Specialist, theologian, international speaker, film reviewer, and blogger for BeMediaMindful.org. Her book A Sacred Look: Becoming Cultural Mystics is a theology of popular culture published by Wipf & Stock Publishing.