Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Luke 21:34-36
"Stay awake, praying at all times...and be ready to stand before the Son of Man." Jesus warned His disciples to stay alert and be ready for His return. Jesus is telling us to be ready to stand before Him and be prepared. Ask yourself, if this were your final day, will you be worthy to stand before Christ? If we have not sought out Christ to be in our life, and humbled ourselves for our wrongdoings, the time to do so is now. Watch against sin. Watch in your everyday life to be the best representative of Christ you can be. Pray always.
I don't believe Jesus is using this reflection as a scare tactic or an alert to promote fear. Rather, Jesus is telling us to live in hope, not fear, for that final day we sit before Him. He wants us to be ready at all times to be prepared to one day join Him in His kingdom. Remember, Jesus is always near through all our struggles and through all our joys. He is also there through all our sins, hoping that we seek forgiveness. It is through prayer that we will find Him. It is through prayer that we will be ready for His return.
Are we ready so whenever Christ comes we may be found watching?
Dearest Father in Heaven, work in me Your righteous will to make me ready for Your Son's glorious return. In Jesus' name, I pray!
Copyright 2020 Catherine Mendenhall-Baugh
About the Author

Catherine Mendenhall-Baugh
Catherine Mendenhall-Baugh (Cathy) completed her education in Special Education and English and now works as an Agent in the Insurance Industry. A mother and Grandmother, Cathy grew up in a large Catholic family and has spent the last 30 years as a caregiver for her husband, Jack. She is a cancer survivor, which inspired her to begin writing.