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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Reflection by Kathryn Mulderink

Today's Gospel: Mark 13:33-37 - First Sunday of Advent


As we begin a new liturgical year, the Gospel reminds us that our time on earth is not permanent, and we are told three times that we must “Stay awake”! No sleeping on the job! As members of the household of God, left in charge of the Church, each with our own task, we are called to take up our task and be ready to give an accounting when the Son returns.

During Advent, we are joyfully preparing and contemplating the “three comings” of Christ: the first is the Incarnation and Nativity, the second is His coming to each of us at the end of our earthly life, and the third is His Final Coming at the end of time. While we know that He came to earth 2000 years ago, we do not know when He will call us from this life, or when He will return in glory.

Amidst the responsibilities, distractions, joys, and sorrows of life, we can lose sight of the goal and live in a way that seems to disregard the Master of our lives. Jesus doesn’t want us to forget WHY we are here and what we are supposed to be about: loving and serving God and others in faith and humility, taking up our daily cross in this world with our eyes on the Kingdom that will never end. So He gently says to each of us: Stay awake!



Into what areas of my life have I not fully invited the Lord of all? What items or activities am I called to let go of in order to make more room for Jesus?



Lord Jesus, give us the grace to stay awake and focused on the little ways we are called to love and serve You and others in the duties and interruptions of each hour. Help us to walk with You in every minute.


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As we begin a new liturgical year, the Gospel reminds us that our time on earth is not permanent, and we are told three times that we must “Stay awake”! #dailygospel



Copyright 2020 Kathryn Mulderink

Kathryn is married to Robert, and is mother of seven and a Secular Discalced Carmelite. Over 25 years, she has worked in school and parish administration, and as a writer and voice talent for Catholic Radio. Currently, she serves the Church as a writer and speaker, collaborating with dioceses, parishes, and ministries to help others encounter Christ and engage their faith. www.KathrynTherese.com