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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Mark 9:2-13

Accompanied by his inner circle, Peter, James, and John, Jesus goes up the mountain to pray, and suddenly He is transformed before them. He appears in bright white light, with Moses and Elijah on either side of Him. Knowing that they are in the presence of the Divine, Peter, James, and John do not want to let the experience go, so they propose making tents. Instead, the experience of the transfiguration comes to an end, and Jesus and His disciples head back down the mountain, holding what they have witnessed in their hearts.

We have all had that mountaintop experience at some point in our lives. We feel so close to God, we revel in His presence, and then the experience comes to an end. We want it to last forever. We want to make a tent for ourselves so that we don’t need to leave, so that we can stay just a little longer. But we’re not supposed to stay. We experience the mountaintop high so that we can head back down again.

The Mass is our transfiguration experience. We receive Him and then are tasked with bringing Him out into the world. But with the Eucharist, as with the transfiguration, Jesus is veiled. Jesus Christ is God made man, divinity in human flesh. He spent thirty-three years living among humans, and only a handful knew Him for Who He was. Even now, He continues to be veiled. He takes the form of bread and wine. He allows Himself to be consumed by man, His flesh becoming one with ours. We are charged with receiving Christ and taking Him out into the world. The world needs to know Christ, and when we are transformed by the Eucharist, we can be Christ to those who need Him.



What kinds of mountaintop experiences have you had in your life? Why is it important to come back down and go out into the world afterwards?




Dear Lord, please help us to embrace the Mass as our mountaintop experience, our regular encounter with God. Help us to find You there and to draw near to You before going back out into the world. Give us the grace and courage to bring You to those who need You most.

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The Mass is our transfiguration experience. The world needs to know Christ, and when we are transformed by the Eucharist, we can be Christ to those who need Him.

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2022 Shannon Whitmore