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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.


Today's Gospel: Mark 9:2-10

With this striking vision of Jesus’ glorified self, no wonder Peter, James, and John desired to linger with this mountaintop experience. It’s where we all want to be: on top of the mountain, basking in glory, dazzling in white.

And yet the vision ends when,

“Suddenly, looking around, they no longer saw anyone but Jesus alone with them.”

Life’s glorious moments delight us, but mostly we trudge up the stairs with loads of laundry, circle through the house picking up toys, or drive children to their next set of lessons. We spend mountains of time on the mundane work of paying bills, wiping noses, or helping with homework.

None of these are mountaintop experiences, yet Jesus alone stays with us at the bottom of the mountain where life is most often lived—one day at a time. Jesus alone holds us as we rock our feverish baby in the night.

Jesus alone listens to our pleas as we worry about our teenagers. Jesus alone understands the hardships of serving as a caregiver for a spouse or parent. Jesus alone knows our sorrow when a loved one dies.

In the quiet morning hours, while sitting in my comfy chair, it’s Jesus and me—alone. Jesus reaches into my heart through His word and stirs a response within my soul.

During Lent, we’re given a glimpse of glory. We too want to stay on the mountaintop with our friends. Yet life has highs and lows, achievements and failures, health and sufferings, comfort and struggles—and it all goes to Jesus. And Jesus alone.




How do you give your joys and struggles to Jesus alone?



Lord, thank You for the glimpse of Your glory during Lent. Help us through each day, knowing You, Jesus alone, sustain us.


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Jesus alone stays with us at the bottom of the mountain where life is most often lived—one day at a time.


Daily Gospel 4

Copyright 2024 Mary Pedersen