Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Today's Gospel: Matthew 7:7-12
“Mom,” I demanded into the phone, full of collegiate self-righteousness. “David said you are letting him get a TV in his room. You would never have let us have one in our room!”
“I said he could save his money to buy one for his room,” she responded reasonably. “Besides, you girls never asked for one.”
You never asked for one.
Her response silenced me. When was the last time I had actually asked my parents for anything?
Today’s Gospel addresses this: Ask. Seek. Knock. Somehow, I am very good at the knocking part, but maybe not so good with the asking or the seeking.
Asking for help can be uncomfortable and even humbling for a lot of us. It is easy to see that everyone else is just as busy as we are: we worry about burdening them with our troubles.
With all of this busy-ness, I often consider God’s job to be much bigger: I somehow feel that asking Him specifically for what I need is both presumptuous (how dare I have the audacity to think that I know my needs better than the Father?!) and selfish (surely He is busy caring for people in more dire situations than in my superficial, first-world troubles).
But Jesus instructs us to ask for help. Ask for guidance. Ask for support. Ask for His will to be done.
He goes further: seek. Seek God’s comfort and company. Seek His wisdom and tenderness. Seek His very heart.
He goes even further: knock. Remember that you are His: worthy and loved. He wants you to take action and come before Him, trusting that He will give you what you need.
Jesus knows that asking, seeking and knocking are essential for companionship. This is the guide for genuine relationship with God.
What, specifically, is holding you back from asking, seeking, and knocking?
O God, Who delights in the company of us, Your children, help us to search our hearts and find Your peace. Grant us the courage to come to You in supplication and in companionship.
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Jesus knows that asking, seeking, and knocking are essential for companionship. This is the guide for genuine relationship with God. #DailyGospel
Copyright 2023 Kathryn Pasker Ineck
About the Author

Kathryn Pasker Ineck
Married for more than two decades to her best friend, and mom of four teens, Kathryn finds that life is never boring. She pursues the heart of God--led by His gentle Mother--and relies on the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a desire for chocolate, and an insatiable thirst for reading into the wee hours of the morning. She writes to maintain her sanity at Kathryn Pasker Ineck.