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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 21:33-34, 45-46

“Mom must have eyes behind her head; I swear she’s watching us all the time!” If not Mom, then the other moms and dads were keeping close tabs in the neighborhood–the original neighborhood watch. Looking back, these parents did a mighty job of building and staffing a watchtower–they knew every child, every parent, and quickly noticed any stranger. They stopped at nothing to protect each child in the neighborhood.

In today’s Gospel, God is the landowner who planted the vineyard, put a fence around it, dug a wine press in it, and built a watchtower. God does the work and then asks for us to stand watch as vigilant tenants, protecting and producing good fruit in our children. We are to keep the fence strengthened around each child’s heart and mind, protecting them from evil influences that would snatch them away. God stands ready to use the wine press to help us guide our children into sainthood..

My husband and I built a watchtower with families from our neighborhood and from our parish. We held the same goal of raising our children within the Church. We celebrated Baptisms, First Holy Communions, Confirmations, and weddings together. Today’s world is tougher than my childhood. I can’t imagine what kind of watchtower a parent needs to guard against the harmful influences of today. But If we squander our responsibility as tenants of God’s children, and leave our positions as watchtowers, woe unto us and our children.




How are you building a watchtower?



Lord, please watch over our children and grandchildren. Keep them safe from those who would attempt to snatch them from You.


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These parents did a mighty job of building and staffing a watchtower–they knew every child, every parent, and quickly noticed any stranger. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Mary Pedersen