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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Mark 9:41-50

Jesus is very clear in today’s Gospel. Sin is serious. It’s so serious, in fact, that it can cost us eternal life with Him. Even worse, if we cause someone else to sin it would be better if a “great millstone were put around” our necks and we were thrown into the sea. There’s nothing fun, cute, or frivolous about it.

In speaking with His disciples, Jesus talks about cutting off our hands or feet, even losing an eye, if that’s what is necessary to keep us from sinning. Maybe if we reframe that, it could be helpful for us today.

If a TV show is causing you to sin, turn it off.

If a book is causing you to sin, stop reading it.

If your phone is causing you to sin, put it away or delete the apps.

If a friend is causing you to sin, stop hanging out.

Jesus is very clear. Sin is serious. It has consequences and wreaks havoc on our souls. It’s much better to do without whatever - or whoever - is causing us to sin than to try to live with it, manage it, or contain it. It’s got to go.

Sin is so serious, in fact, that Jesus gave us a special way to deal with it. Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, not only can we receive the grace of forgiveness for our sins, but we can also be reconciled with God, with each other, and within ourselves, even gaining the grace to resist sinning again. For treating those deeply rooted sins, this could also mean regular visits with a spiritual director or counselor as well.

The important thing is to recognize where we are sinning, to do something about it, and thank God for giving us the grace to do both.




What sin do I need to cut out of my life?



Lord Jesus, thank You for Your never-ending compassion and willingness to forgive. Help me to turn away from sin and more and more towards You.


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Sin is so serious that Jesus gave us a special way to deal with it. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Sarah Pedrozo