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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Mark 12:18-27

In reflecting on today’s Gospel passage, a story that my father loves to tell of me as a little girl comes to mind. Apparently, one day I came home from what must have been a demanding day in kindergarten. I marched into my father’s study, hands on hips, a single question burning on my tongue:

“Why don’t people start out going to college first? That way, when they get to kindergarten, everything will be easier because they will know everything already!”

I don’t remember being as incensed about this way of the world as my father recalls, but I do remember his gentle laugh. I remember feeling like I had just offered him the most logical explanation in the world. I was confused as to why his reaction skipped serious consideration altogether and went right to amusement.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus deftly dismisses the carefully crafted riddle that the Sadducees pose in hopes of exposing flaws in the idea of resurrection. Their error, much like mine when I was in kindergarten, was one of assumption. Their question and their world view was limited to only the things they knew. They did not take into account any power or knowledge that was outside of themselves, much less the power of God.

Now, as a grown adult, it is even easier to assume I know most things. The next time I am tempted to assume I know fully the will of the Father, I will remind myself of the need to abandon any expectations I have of the Lord and His ways, especially when they are formed only on what I think and not out of my desire to seek Him.




When I am having a hard time understanding something or someone, do I invite Jesus to enlighten my mind and heart with His truth and peace? Or do I rely on my own abilities to figure things out?



Jesus, when I am having a hard time understanding someone or something, fill me with the peace that comes from knowing that You alone are the Lord.


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They did not take into account any power or knowledge that was outside of themselves, much less the power of God. #DailyGospel

Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2023 Jasmine Kuzner