Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.
Reflection by Leslie Lynch
Today's Gospel: Mark 6:1-6
In today’s Gospel, Jesus returns home to Nazareth and teaches in the synagogue. The people who watched Him grow up are astonished and exhibit the lack of openness that we sometimes harbor for people we think we know.
“Who does he think he is?” they say. Rather than react with wonder and awe to His words, the people see only the man they know as a carpenter. It takes outsiders to recognize the power and divinity of Jesus.
How often are we like that? If you’ve ever been on a retreat such as Cursillo, Christ Renews His Parish, or ACTS, you know that the façade we all present to the world is exactly that: a mask.
But retreats (and our Catholic faith) demand that we withhold our judgment of others. Leaning on stereotypes or labels, even if they seem innocent (i.e., a “Catholic Mom”), is lazy and can be harmful.
For instance, envy nudges me to assume snobbery of a woman who’s more successful than I.
Pride blinds me to my own prejudice or bias.
Sloth deadens me to the Holy Spirit’s fire of love—and tells me I’m only one person, that I won’t make a difference.
In our own families, we fail to see the qualities that outsiders see. I see a kid who moves through the house like a tornado; her soccer coach sees a talented forward. I see a husband who ____ (you can fill in your own blank!); his coworkers see a trusted leader.
Our challenge in today’s reading is to look deeper, to accept that everyone is more than what we see. To see Jesus in everyone and in every situation. To listen, to accompany.
Let us nurture our faith, so that Jesus can do mighty deeds through our open hearts.
How do my prejudices or biases blind me to Jesus in other people? How can I practice humility today so that my faith is stronger tomorrow?
My dearest Jesus, open my eyes to Your power and divinity so that I can truly see and faithfully follow You.
Copyright 2024 Leslie Lynch
Leslie Lynch lives near Louisville, Kentucky, with her husband and a rescued, feral-turned-sweetheart cat. She’s written three full-length novels: Hijacked, Unholy Bonds, and Opal’s Jubilee; and two novellas: Christmas Hope and Christmas Grace. She is a freelance contributor to the Archdiocese of Indianapolis’s newspaper, The Criterion, and holds an MFA in Writing from Spalding University. Learn more at www.leslielynch.com.
About the Author

Gospel Reflections Team
Our Gospel Reflections Team is comprised of over 115 volunteers. We invite you to join us daily to reflect upon the Liturgy of the Word and thank our volunteers for sharing their gifts.