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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: Matthew 20:20-28

As mothers, perhaps we can relate to the mother of the Apostles James and John. She wanted her sons to be recognized, to have places of honor. Don’t we want the same for our children? We want them to be on the honor roll at school, to be a star athlete, to excel at whatever activity they undertake, and to be acknowledged for those accomplishments. When our children grow up, we want them to have good jobs and successful careers. When our children are praised and honored, we take pride in that. We share their good fortune with our friends and family and perhaps even broadcast it on social media.

But Jesus invites us to consider what really matters. Earthly honors and awards are fleeting. In the economy of the Kingdom of God, it is not the ones who are held up as leaders in this world that matter. It is the ones who serve others the most. Jesus is the ultimate role model. He came to serve others and to give up His life for us.

So, while it is well and good for both our children and us to use the gifts God gave us to the best of our abilities and even to celebrate accomplishments, in the end, only God’s opinion of us matters. He will judge us on how well we served others.




Are you too interested in achieving earthly honors for yourself or your children? If so, how can you instead focus on what matters in the Kingdom of God?



Dear Lord, help me to follow your example and serve others without counting the cost. Help me to remember that God's opinion is the only one that matters.


Daily Gospel 2


Copyright 2024 Patrice Fagnant-MacArthur