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Join us as we reflect, ponder, and pray together inspired by today's Gospel.

Today's Gospel: John 19:25-27

Lean on Mother Mary.

“It is finished.” These were the final words Jesus spoke before He breathed His last breath.

"It is finished.” Jesus Christ, the only begotten son of God, had completed the mission the Father had assigned Him. By grace, we are saved, through faith, not of ourselves but as a gift from God. Oh, what a glorious gift to be completely loved by Jesus!

“It is finished.” Short yet powerful words that give believers the blessed assurance to press forward in faith with Jesus our Savior. They stir our faith and call us to press on and complete the work God has called us to do.

As Mary stood at the foot of the cross on that day, her heart must have been filled with sorrow for her only begotten son, Jesus. He was bone of her bone and flesh of her flesh. Watching Him endure such painful sufferings must have been unbearable for a mother’s heart. I picture her praying at the foot of the cross without a word. Often words do not come, just tears. The tears are shed freely from a broken heart. In their own language, the tears speak volumes to mothers everywhere of a trust in Jesus that even death cannot separate from us. As Mary stood at the cross weeping, she taught us to trust, even when we do not understand.

When facing a cross in your life that is way too heavy to carry, when words are absent as tears pour forth, know that Mary is standing with you. How do I know? At the time of the sorrow of losing my newborn boy, Mary stood with me. I assure you, Our Lady of Sorrows will stand by you in your times of need.




Have you ever been at the foot of the cross and tears were the only words you could utter?



Dear Jesus, thank You for giving us a mother who knows how to rejoice when we rejoice and to sorrow when we sorrow. May Mary Our Mother comfort all in their sorrows!


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When facing a cross in your life that is way too heavy to carry, when words are absent as tears pour forth, know that Mary is standing with you! #DailyGospel

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Copyright 2023 Ellen Mongan